
This report presents an overview of the economic impact of trade from Sweden to the United States, including estimated job-creation impact on both state and national levels.
Total Jobs Supported: Total jobs supported is the sum of “Jobs Supported by Goods Exports,” “Jobs Supported by Services Exports,” and “Employment by Swedish-Affiliated Companies.”

Jobs Supported by Exports: National level jobs supported by goods and services exports to Sweden are from the International Trade Administrations “Jobs Supported by Destination” for 2021, the most recent year available. Jobs supported by exports to Sweden are not available on the state level so are estimated by distributing the national jobs supported by state according to the percentage of jobs supported in each state for exports to all countries.

Employment by Swedish-Affiliated Companies: The national total of jobs supported by Swedish-affiliated companies was compiled from public financial disclosures, public self-reporting, and privately disclosed totals of employment by 166 Swedish-affiliated companies operating in the US. 15 companies reported on “North America” or “the Americas” and had 75% of their reported jobs attributed to the US. For companies with no jobs total reported, 20 jobs were assigned to each known location. Jobs are distributed to the state level based on 2022 annual averages of the percentage of employees by state from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ quarterly census of “Employment and Wages.” The difference in jobs from the state-level pages to the national level totals is due to the national level totals following the Bureau of Labor Statistics definition of the “United States” as the 50 states and Washington DC while this report also includes Puerto Rico.
Goods Exports: Total goods exports are for 2023 and are from the International Trade Administration’s TradeStats Express tool and the Census Bureau’s “USA Trade Online.”

Swedish Ancestry: Swedish ancestry is from the Census Bureau’s 2018-2022 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates.

Swedish-Affiliated Companies: Swedish affiliated companies were collected through input from Team Sweden USA, and independent open-source research. Final nationality of ownership and registration were not the only factors considered. Companies headquartered in Sweden, traditionally considered Swedish, or founded by Swedes while Swedish citizens were also included to illustrate the large economic impact and job creation effects that Sweden has on the US.

Foreign Direct Investment: Foreign direct investment for 2022 is on a historical-cost basis from the Bureau of Economic Analysis’ “Sweden Factsheet.”

Other Sources: EU-US Trade Statistics - From Eurostat Statistics Explained: USA-EU - international trade in goods statistics.

SCB Statistics Sweden.